Pigmentation and sun damage can leave your skin looking uneven, dull, and aged. These concerns occur when the skin's natural pigment, called melanin, becomes unevenly distributed or excessive due to sun exposure. Our team are here to help you restore your skin's natural brilliance and reverse the effects of sun damage.

At The Aesthetic Skin Clinic, we understand the impact that pigmentation and sun damage can have on your confidence. We offer advanced treatments designed to target these concerns and rejuvenate your skin. Our experienced professionals will assess your skin and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Using state-of-the-art technologies and proven techniques, we work to fade pigmentation irregularities and reduce the signs of sun damage. Our treatments may include chemical peels, laser therapies, and specialized skincare products that target pigmentation concerns. By addressing these concerns at their source, we aim to restore a more even, youthful, and radiant complexion.

Education and prevention are key to maintaining healthy, vibrant skin. Our team will provide you with valuable information on how to protect your skin from further sun damage, including the importance of daily sun protection and lifestyle modifications. We'll recommend suitable products and practices to keep your skin shielded from harmful UV rays and maintain the results achieved through our treatments.


Pico Genesis, PIXO FX, Lumecca IPL, Alexandrite Pigmentation Laser, Medical Peels, Prodigy Peels, Cocktail Peels, Cosmelan Depigmentation Procedure, DermaSweep MD & HydraFacial MD.

our PIGMENTATION results